Saturday, July 5, 2008


Its not the words, but their interpretation that matters.....

Oh fuck!


Maruti said...

sexy ra Babai......

like that

unicorn said...

Thanks maruthi, I almost concluded that no one understood what I wanted to say......

Anonymous said...

what shit

unicorn said...

Anonymous, are you talking about what's shit? Or was that just an exclamation?

As I told, its the interpretation that matters and you need to be clear on what you want us to interpret from that.....

Anonymous said...

upto you.. what ever you want to interpret...

unicorn said...

So you want to elaborate more about what's shit? Though it has got nothing to do with the bolg.

On a serious note, thanks for reading through the blog, if you think that content is shit, please do let me know on how I can improve and on what grounds?

You might want to write to me at

Thanks anyways and keep writing.