Thursday, May 8, 2008

Here I go...

With impetuous attitude my chariot
And the haughty courage my flagship
When I go, can I be stopped?

With ruthless audacity when I ferret
Success is my love and will my worship
If I fight, can I be defeated?

When each encounter on my road to life
Is punched in face with my fist called will
I succeed and I think I should.


Shantanu Dhankar said...

Hey! Thanks for taking time out and dropping by.I did not know that USA is consuming natural resources at a rapid rate(nice to get tidbits of such information).As far as the cabbies go,What i liked was the technology behind the yellow cabs and to some extent the dignity at which a cabbie looked at his job,something which is perhaps missing in Indian scenario.

Appreciate your time.


Unknown said...

dude..u ok?
wat's wid this optimism:)

unicorn said...


I just talked to one of my friends, its his feelings in poem, how on earth can I be so optimistic. I am a dyed in the wool cynic.