Monday, May 26, 2008

Wanna be happy?

I am not sure about my problems, but I guess, I am good at solving things for others, I shed out good advice and my close friends do rely upon me for those needy words which might brighten them up, or at least thats what they have pretended to me, it might as well be due to my never ending inclination to talk and believe me I am very good at (at least pretending)seeming that I mean what I say.

Having said that, I thought that I should put on public space, a write up on what I think or made to think the way things should be looked at. This is inspired by this video by Baz Luhrmann:

As I see it, there are three types of problems in life:

1) Relationships.
2) Career.
3) Confusion between the above two.

Let me handle each one of them. Relationships, mostly the ones between opposite sex , are the most bothering. People just get too much possessive, obsessive, aggressive and what not. But please remember that, any relationship is just a catalyst for a happy life, they are not constituents of life. A human is born alone and is going to die alone, and if you are not aware, sati is banned in India, Pati is still, god forbid, a concept yet to be developed and suicide, if you have survived, is taken seriously by the Judiciary. So, my dear friends if you are thinking of a perfect partner who will be along with you all the time, think again.

So, the point is that, you might get a boy/girl friend, you might not get one, or you might get ditched or if your luck is still bad, you might even get married to your loved one and if you are lucky enough, you might even get divorced. But, the fact remains that YOU are YOU. So its pretty illogical of you to make your happiness depend on long beautiful hair/long legs/beautiful eyes/sexy six pack/muscular biceps etc., believe me your happiness can be depended on more reliable things.

The best way to avoid the head ache is to love yourself, just love your youth, your brains your whatever you could think of, take a number of pics of yourself and put them everywhere on net you could think of; the world is full of fools and there shall be at least one who would be appreciating the beauty in you. So the bottom line is, do not hurt others and do not be with others who hurt you.

To put it crisply, love can never bring pain and if something is paining you, then it cannot be love and you can safely reject it as poison.

Coming to the career related issues, mostly these are comparative issues, X in spite of being an ass is in a better position than I am. He is my junior, but he earns more than I do etc., take a break people. Jealousy is one of the worst enemies for happiness, the other person never asked you to earn less than him. So understand that some times you are ahead and some times you lag, but at the end of it the race is with yourself, your whole life is about where you wanted to be. So just do not bother yourself with bad appraisals, and do not bother either about a test that you could not crack or a promotion that you missed upon, they really do not matter three years down the line. Your career is what you want it to be.

So forget the insults, remember the compliments and just try doing different things, you might fail but then you will know how to.

And coming to the confusion between career and relation ship, all I have to tell is to master the concept called synergy between Geography and life. If you learn how to maintain ties with your family & friends no matter where you are, you must be a happy person.

Having said that, I conclude.


freeflowingsalt said...

hehe I saw a lot of Baz Luharmann - Everybody's free stuff in there. I love that song. I honestly try to live my life according to that song.. :)

unicorn said...

True, this post was inspired by Baz.

If you see I was bit low then and I am not too good at writing this stuff, nothing funny about this you know? :D

Anyways thanks for coming in and do keep writing. :)